本帖最后由 白山老人 于 2017-10-20 00:59 编辑
2017-10-19 09:38:55 来源:参考消息网
中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会已经拉开帷幕,这不仅是中国头等重要的大事,也是世界关注的焦点,中国领导人提出的新概念和新理论更是外媒解读的重中之重。不过,这些“中国关键词”大多是经过高度提炼而形成的新词汇,其中不乏各种数字和文字的组合,在境外媒体中是怎样表达和报道的呢?以下是几家主流英语媒体的相关报道。 首先来看关于“五位一体”总体布局的表达,在中国官方发布的英文文本中译为“economic,political, cultural, social, and ecological progress”。香港《南华早报》报道说:On a theoretical level, ecological civilisation needed to be put on a par with economic, political,cultural and social progress(在理论层面,生态文明需要与经济、政治、文化和社会进步得到同等对待)。 关于“四个全面”战略布局,在官方英文文本中译为the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy,但许多外媒也直译为“Four Comprehensives”,比如路透社报道说:The party has been pushing Xi's “Four Comprehensives,” which refer to China working “comprehensively” to build a moderately prosperous society and strengthen reforms, rule of law and party discipline(中共一直在推进习近平提出的“四个全面”,即中国致力于“全面”建成小康社会、深化改革、依法治国和从严治党)。 关于对党员干部的“三严三实”专题教育,中国官方直译为Three Stricts and Three Earnests。《印度斯坦时报》报道说:The concept of “Three Stricts and Three Earnests” has strengthened ties between the CPC and the people(“三严三实”密切了中国共产党与人民群众之间的关系)。 关于中国实现两个“一百年”目标,即the Two Centenary Goals,美国《国家利益》双月刊网站对此的解读是:The Chinese Communist Party's two centenary goals—becoming a moderately prosperous society by 2021 and a prosperous, strong, and harmonious country by 2049(中共的两个“一百年”目标——到2021年建成小康社会,到2049年建成富强、和谐的国家)。 届时,中国将实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,即Chinese Dream。英国《每日电讯报》17日刊登了题为《中国梦稳步成为现实》(Chinese Dream is well on its way to becoming reality)的文章,文中是这么说的:Since President Xi Jinping took office the stain of that humiliation has now been removed and China has again assumed its place in the pantheon of global leadership(自习近平主席上台以来,那种屈辱的痕迹已经洗刷殆尽,中国再次跻身全球领导者行列)。(编译/沈丹琳)