我时常把中国冬泳网上的精彩照片发给英国的泳友。前些日子我把“迎奥运从北京做起”中的几张着装游泳的照片发过去,得到了英国泳友的热烈回应,好几位给我回信,说咱们玩的健康,玩得有趣。还有人浏览了咱们冬泳网,知道在中国也有一群快乐的冬泳人。今年2月他们到芬兰参加了世界冬泳大会,2008年将在英国举行,他们邀请中国的冬泳爱好者参加。下边是英国泳友的来信。但我由此而想到:接着奥运会的东风,我们也应该............ Dear May
I was very interested (and sometimes amused) to see your website.
I am glad that there is a Chinese following of cold water swimming and will have to come and visit some day. In 2008 South London Swimming Club is hosting the World Winter Swimming Championships in ffice:smarttags" />London. It would be great if a team from China could come and take part! It will be a 3 day event in February. More details...
A full website will be launched soon. If you would like more info, please sign up to our newsletter at:
Happy swimming.
Stuartfficeffice" /> |