+ 中国红十字志愿者登记表 China Red Cross Volunteer Registration Form 登记号(Registration No.):
3 `- n+ S$ \* f: z 姓名: Name | 国籍: Nationality | 照片 Photo | 性别: Gender | 出生年月: Date of Birth | 民族: Ethnic Group | 特长: Skills | 住址: Address | 邮编: Zip Code | 身份证号ID
* l4 V. P- S1 b" q9 v0 tCard
0 d& H! t* ?. c/ I0 _6 ~' CNo.: (护照号Passport No.) | 电子邮件: E-mail | 电话: Telephone) x. K# q+ c3 B
No. | 移动电话: Mobile | 工作单位: Work3 u( Z5 {8 t8 f0 L# O1 S$ u
Unit | 教育程度: Education | | | | |
志 志愿服务项目(Areas of Interests) □应急救援 Emergency Response | □卫生救护 Sanitary
) E( z1 l' d/ u+ p$ O- wLifesaving | □人道救助 Humanitarian Aid | □捐献造血干细胞 Blood Stem Cell | □遗体捐献 Body Donor Recruitment | □宣传无偿献血 Blood Donor Recruitment | □宣传预防艾滋病 HIV Prevention | □红十字精神传播 Red Cross Dissemination | □筹资劝募 Fundraising | □红十字青少年 Red Cross Youth | □社区服务 Community Service | □海外服务 Oversea Service | □活动策划 Activity+ B0 q, K: _( u$ \8 \7 _ }7 [5 S
Plot | □健康关怀 Health Care | □其他 Others | |
志愿服务时间(Working Time) | 周一 MON | 周二 TUE | 周三 WED | 周四 THU | 周五 FRI | 周六 SAT | 周日 SUN | 节假日 Public Holiday | 上午A.M. | | | | | | | | | 下午P.M. | | | | | | | | | 晚上Night | | | | | | | | | 红十字志愿者誓词(Volunteers’ Oath) | 我宣誓,我志愿成为一名中国红十字志愿者,自觉遵守中国的法律法规,坚持红十字运动七项基本原则,尽己所能,不计报酬,为帮助他人和服务社会而工作。 It is my will to join the Red Cross volunteer team in China, observe the laws and regulations and seven fundamental principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, work hard, without seeking personal benefit, to serve others and the society. .
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志愿者签名Signature:, ?4 |6 L9 {/ ^8 C* }3 v
1 s# s* X6 Q9 F" f7 V
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9 d" S5 L6 X* ~$ M& kDate:1 X5 b1 n5 k( |
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