冬泳译园 冬泳健康方面的问题(译文)ffice ffice" /> 条件 对于参加冬泳的人来说,参加这项运动,只是为了满足在冬季提高生物体的抵抗力的需要。当然这种需要也可以通过洗冷水浴、参加户外体育活动和桑拿浴定期的训练来得以实现。这种定期有规律的训练使你的身体产生生物体的能量代谢过程,产生热量。冬泳者应该知道这种过程同样发生在冬泳的过程中。冬泳过程的冷刺激,形成短时间、局部的血管收缩,并随着身体器官的回暖相伴发生血管的扩张。 对于经常性参加冬泳的人,该运动对身体健康有利已被证明。 主要影响是: -对皮肤和呼吸黏膜的血液循环有改善; -对植物神精有稳定作用; -降低了传染病的发病机率,特别是降低了得心脏病的风险; -身体健康得病的可能性低; -得病后恢复的快,康复的过程短。 对于健康的冬泳者来说,冬泳不会加重心脏血液循环的负担。但对于继发性高血压、动脉循环紊乱、心率不齐、恐寒症和慢性器质性疾病(如:肾脏疾病)却适得其反,对风湿病也是如此。 最近几年在医学研究领域,试图在寻找冬泳对身体影响的证据,但从测试的结果上来看,冬泳对于人体的免疫系统并没有显著的影响,但对身体的“抗氧化保护系统”却发现有明显的强化作用。 一般来说,冬泳可以强身多键体,提高人体的强化反应,降低身体患病的可能性,而且患病后能起到快速恢复的作用。 归纳起来冬泳的主要作用是:冬泳不仅能够强身健体和增强自控能力,而且是群体的体验,身在其中的每个人都能通过参加这项与众不同和具有坚强耐力的运动,而自享其乐。此外,冷刺激过后对人的性格的“韧化作用”形成了超越自己、控制自己的能力,且这种能力不但形成于团体中,而且来自于每个运动队和每个冬泳者的责任。冬泳运动需要社会各个层面的人来参与。 (附原文)Health aspects of winter swimming Conditions for take part at the winter swimming is a resistant organism for winter demands. You can get it by regular training of the body by cold showers, outside sports activities and sauna. This training develops the bodies warmth regulation reactions. The sportsman needs to know this reactions for handling the wintry swimming. The stimulus of cold releases a short-term local vasoconstriction, a general reactive vasodilation is follows during the re-warming of the organism. A health-stabilisation effect is proven for regular winter swimming. Health effects are: - an improvement of the blood circulation of the skin and mucous membrane of the respiratory tract - a general vegetative stabilisation - a decreasing trend of infection frequency especially a reduced heart attack risk - the readiness for illnesses is smaller - the course of illness is a easier and shorter There is no acute burden of the heart circulation system for healthy persons. But counter-indications are high blood pressure in a progressive stage, arterial circulatory disturbances, arrhythmia, cold allergies, and chronic organic diseases (e.g. kidney diseases), but no rheumatism. During the last years medical research tried to verify the effects of winter swimming. In fact the tests leaded to the result that winter swimming hasnt a concrete influence on the immune and resistance system but it clearly strengthen the "anti-oxidative protective systems". The general physical well-being and the stabilisation the circulation dearly can be increased by winter swimming. Stress reactions and crisis situations can be reduced better and overcome quicker. The main points of winter swimming are to get healthy stabilisation and self-control. But also the jointly experience and the fun at an unusual and tough sport improves the joy and the feeling of life. Besides the "toughening effect" elements of human character are formed such as self-overcoming and self-control, community sense, but also responsibility for the own body and the sports team. Winter swimming requires a large personal discipline.