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发表于 2007-9-30 07:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

冬泳译苑fficeffice" />

















Recent years have seen the emergence of the somewhat arduous sport of winter swimming in the ffice:smarttags" />UK. Global warming? Very possibly. The desire to keep on open water swimming through a typically vile British winter? Quite likely. And its a proven fact that winter swimmers have a higher resistance to infection, a significantly lower incidence of cancer and heart disease, together with an extended life expectancy. But isnt jumping into cold water dangerous? The Health and Safety merchants would have you believe so, and make a handsome profit from peddling that myth.

ffice:word" />So what about shock and hypothermia? From what I can find, all research on the effects of immersion in cold water is posited on the "victim" having involuntarily entered the water as the result of some mishap. Very little if any of which applies to the situation where a Speedo-clad, cold-acclimatised swimmer enters the water voluntarily, and can exit when desired. Indeed many authorities hold that water temperatures around 13C (mid-50s F) are particularly dangerous. Strange really, as I for one find water at that temperature exhilarating and far from uncomfortable. In fact I can withstand bare-skin immersion at such temperatures for an indefinite period. One of us must be wrong! So, whats so different about a cold-acclimatised swimmer? Actually, quite a lot.
Cold training involves three major physiological changes. Firstly, the body lays down a layer of subcutaneous fat. Studies indicate this "swimmer fat" to be predominantly brown fat. So, whats the difference? White fat is utilised by the body first by conversion to glycogen, thence into glucose for fuelling the muscles. However brown fat is rapidly metabolised to generate heat. Brown fat is also much less of a risk to long term health than the equivalent weight of white fat, so a high body-mass index in a swimmer does not necessarily indicate obesity. Far from it.

The vascular system also undertakes changes primarily intended to protect the bodys core from chilling, endangering vital organs. It develops the ability to almost instantly shut down the circulation to the outermost tissues, hence the cyanotic blue or purplish hue of a cold-water swimmers skin after a few minutes immersion. When peripheral circulation restarts, which in my case takes around 10 minutes after leaving the water, all the chilled blood in the outer tissues returns to general circulation. This is when hypothermic shock can occur, and the swimmer needs to be dry, clothed and/or warm and preferably enjoying a hot drink.
Finally, metabolism. Again, it is now thought that a cold-water swimmers metabolism shifts into high gear when immersed (or in some cases just when anticipating immersion). I need to eat the equivalent of 1,000 kcal or more of carbohydrate foods after a cold swim. Im not gaining weight so I must be "burning" them. I have actually done some tests on myself, and after a half hour swim in seawater at 10C, my core temperature had fallen by just 0.5C and could well have stabilised at that level.

Many folk have been taken in by the Health and Safety industrys propaganda and believe all open water to be potentially lethal. So you can imagine the psychological shock resulting from a fall into cold, grey water. However this response is completely absent in a swimmer who knows exactly what hes getting into.
So, how do you go about cold training? You will need the following: swimming cozzie (1 off), swim cap (1 off), goggles (optional), a reasonably healthy body (1 off). Oh, nearly forgot - water. As much of this as you can find and it should be unheated. Simply start swimming in "cold" water in summer when in fact its nice and warm. Come Autumn, just keep going. The golden rule: dont overdo it - theres always tomorrow. When you feel cold, get out, get dressed and warm up. Youll find your tolerance, both time and temperature, will steadily improve. Theres no need to bathe in cold water every day - once a week is enough, and even then for just a few minutes. Cold-acclimatisation is a long-term process; Ive been doing it for eighteen months and have only just got my tolerance down to 8C. Fortunately, from experience I can confirm that swimming in a heated pool in between cold dips does not interfere with the acclimatisation process.

Safety is paramount. While its important to observe all precautions normally associated with swimming in open water, low temperatures mean taking extra care.
Dont start cold training until spring/early summer when the water temperature is at least 15C.
Never jump or dive into water below 15C (59F). Always wade or lower yourself in - this gives your body time to switch into "cold mode". Avoid having cold water enter your nose. There is very little bone between the nasal cavity and your brain, and chilling the brain can result in cold shock.

Always wear a swim cap, as a surprisingly large amount of body heat is lost through the head. Believe me, it makes a difference. A brightly coloured cap will also enhance your visibility.
Its best not to train alone. Cold training puts the body under considerable stress and cold water can also cause cramp.
Health problems neednt prevent you from cold training, but should you have a health problem you should seek the advice of a health professional. Those suffering from asthma, heart problems, epilepsy and diabetes need to take particular care. Some time ago I was laid low with congestive heart failure, but my cold training led to a complete recovery. However it was done under medical supervision.

So come in and join us - the waters great! The "Feel good buzz" is unbelievable. And very addictive!
Pete would like to organise a group of winter swimmers in the NW. Interested?
Contact Pete at PeteRoberts007@aol.com

发表于 2007-9-30 07:57 | 只看该作者

发表于 2007-9-30 07:59 | 只看该作者


学习了 !  谢谢了,赵先生 !

发表于 2007-9-30 18:10 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-9-30 19:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-9-30 18:21 | 只看该作者
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