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发表于 2011-1-30 14:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

        o( )_-\_


新的一年已经到来。冬泳网的稳定发展.畅通连接和登录.是很多冬泳人关心的问题,在这方面冬泳网的网站管理部门,已经和中国硅谷的一家高科技公司,年前就签订了合作协议(2011 120日)主要内容是。第一;要在原有网站的基础上在增加两台网络服务器(采用美国戴尔多硬盘)其中一台服务器专门作数据存储,另一台服务器放在北京的机房。第二;开发冬泳网的网站主页,建立庞大的冬泳网网站.建成后冬泳人主要是登录冬泳网网站,其次才是登陆论坛。第三;域名的使用数量将增加几倍 。以前冬网的域名是。。。中国冬泳网.中国。。。。ching-ws.org.------(这个域名可以使用到2020)新增加的域名是-------冬泳.net-------冬泳网.com -----winterswimming.org(英文冬泳)-----也就是说在20113月底,冬泳网网站建成后,我们可以用以上的所有域名,都可以登录冬泳网。同时也改变了地方上的,管理部门如通信管理局---接入商----网监大队谁想关闭冬泳网就关闭冬网的时代。还有新网站增加几十种国家语种,方便不同语言人种的网上交流,不管你是意大利还是西班牙语,在登录冬网后,在主页面.点击你的西班牙语,马上冬泳网的所有页面,专区,版块,文章都转换成西班牙语(只针对登录冬网的西班牙人) 。这样就解决了语言沟通的问题,同时向着国际冬泳大家庭方向迈进了一大步。

在去年一年中我们冬网的很多会员都去了国外,有去游玩的,有去经商的,有去住儿子女儿家的。她们身在国外心系冬泳网,她们在享受生活的同时不忘冬泳网的宣传,她们把冬网的旗帜和文化带到了国外。我感谢你们对冬网的宣传,并希望有更多的冬泳网会员走出国门展示冬泳网,把我们的快乐和更多的人分享。我去年也带队到了越南韩国-朝鲜。并和两个国家的冬泳爱好者进行了交流, 他们都很高兴并表示愿意和我们保持联系也希望能早日加入冬泳网大家庭。让我们期待更多的国家和地区的冬泳爱好者加入我们的大家庭。

我希望在新的一年里.我们所有的家庭成员要把冬泳运动继续下去.让更多的人了解冬泳加入冬泳.同时也给每个冬泳人. 一个艰巨的任务.2011年里要发展你身边的一个人冬泳,发展一个冬泳人上冬泳网.

冬泳网的迅速发展和壮大是离不开钱的,俗语说得好 “钱不是万能的,但是没有钱是万万不能的”很高兴告诉大家冬泳网的冬泳产品发展良好.业绩喜人,比上一年增长一倍,全国冬泳产品代理城市已经超过100个城市。其中80是冬泳专区。去年的国际交流泳帽和漂包也受到了全国冬泳人的喜爱。冬泳酒在节前准备了几千箱以备冬泳人过年饮用,但没想到年前很快就销光了,直到今天还接到了很多专区的订货,鄂尔多斯300百箱 ,襄阳冬泳专区几百箱,武汉专区,大连专区等,在这里向大家说声抱歉。可能要等到3月中下旬才能到货。 今年冬泳网将要推出更多适合冬泳人使用的产品,年后将要推出的冬泳产品是冬泳人专用自行车及骑行服,头盔,眼镜等骑行系列产品 ,年前已经在和厂家谈判,主要是冬泳品牌自行车,采用国内外知名厂家的配件组装冬泳牌骑车,价格是同类产品的60。也就是说市场上价值4000元的车在冬泳网只卖2200-2300元。相信会得到冬泳骑行朋友的喜欢。




参与人数 40威望 +206 收起 理由
义海晴天 + 2 很给力!
朗读者 + 2 赞一个!
乐山阳谷武松 + 4 冬泳快乐、健康!
峡光 + 1 赞一个!
江湖情 + 2 万岁!


 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-30 14:25 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 鱼王 于 2011-2-21 14:21 编辑

The chinese tridtional rabbit year is coming, I represent approaching website council, website chief adviser, website legal advisers, website editor-in-chief, Dr.

winter-swimming,the 136 web architecture,340 board moderator(BM) and all workers make a best new year's wish to the 48000 members of all of the world from over 50

countries and regions,also to friends that love winter-swimming movement.Wish you lucky,health and happy.
   The year 2010 has go away, we ushered in 2011. Let's review it, In the past year this website did a lot of things for all members:
Held 4th board moderator and presbyter meeting successfully.
Held 2nd winter-swimming festival of China,the biggest and most influential by far.
Held across the yellow river activities,thousands of people attended.
Held an winter-swimming happy tourism to northeast of china.
Held icy water international marathon.
  The website developing to a higher level in 2010. Membership nearly 50,000. More than doubled from last year. The number of foruminfo achieved 136,keep their post

count in 3000-4000 everyday,and PV traffic every day in 70,000-90000,IP traffic in 4000-5000.This number is incomparable with peer website.
And posting quantity and membership is more than 30 times with peer website,also cannot be compared the previous year.
  The new year is coming. The steady development, unblocked connection and login is many membership are concerned about, in this aspect,on January 20 of 2011 year

the website management department has signed a cooperation agreements with a China high-tech companies in silicon valley US,the main contents is:
First, increasing two web server in the basis of the original site(using the American dell multi hard disk).One server is just dedicated for data storage, the other

server is settled in Beijing.
Second, re-design homepage and website.After the completion of construction, all the membership login website and secondly login BBS.Third, the quantity of domain

name use will add a few times. This before the domain name is 中国冬泳网.中国(Chinese Domain) and china-ws.org(this domain name can be used by 2020).Now the new

domain name is increased:冬泳.net(Chinese Domain),冬泳网.com(Chinese Domain) and winterswimming.org(international Top-Level Domain)
That is to say, after march 2011, after the construction of this website, we can use above all domain names. This well ending the era of who want to shut off this

website anytime, such as OFCOM,ISP,network supervisor brigade of local administrative departments.
And the new website increases dozens of national languages, membership using different language can communicate expediently, no matter you are using Italian or

After login page,just click on your homepage, the all of pages,web architecture,foruminfo and articles will converted into spanish immediately (only for membership  

login in spanish). This would solve the problem of language communication, it is a big step forward to the international winter-swimming family.
Last year many of our membership went abroad, for tourism, for business reason or go to living with families.Althought in abroad, they are not forget to stop

campaign of our website at the time of enjoying their life.They bring the website flags and culture to abroad.Thanks very much!
And I hope more and more membership of abroad to show the spirit of china-ws.org,sharing happiness with more people.
Last year I also lead a team to Vietnam,South Korea and north Korea exchange ideas with the hobbyist of two countries.They said they would like to keep in touch

with us,and also hopes to join this big family. We hope more and more hobbyist from different countries and regions.

In the new year,I wish that we all membership should get exercise continue. Let winter-swimming known of more people and joining it. At same time give a formidable

task to all members:In year 2011,encourage one friend to join in winter-swimming and develop a person regiester on china-ws.org.

The rapid development and expansion of this website is cannot come into truth without money.There's a saying: "money is not everything, but without money, everying

is nothing" .
I'm very glad to tell everyone that winter-swimming product of the website development is good. Performance is increase one time than the previous year,more than 100

cities has its own agent reseller all of the country.Among them there are 80 is web architecture.
Last year our product:international swimming cap and drifting bag also get more favorite by the members. We prepared a few thousands package of the winter-swimming

for the festival, but I never thought it'll be sold out soon, even till today we still received many orders.such as:Erdos web architecture 300 packages, Xiangyang

web architecture hundreds package, wuhan, dalian area etc.I've to say sorry.You have to wait until march or later to receive goods.
This year we will introduce more products to fit for our membership, the first introduction is riding uniform,riding helmet,riding glasses, etc.We have been in

negotiations with manufacturers last year, mainly is the winter-swimming brand bicycles, an assembled bicycle with parts from domestic and foreign well-known

manufacturers, but this price is 60% of similar products. That is to sayn the market value of in 4000 yuan RMB to sell only between 2200 to 2300 yuan RMB to our

membership.I believe it will be loved by our members.
A good economic development will be take our website to a higher stage,and  depend on this base our website will sail to distant distance.

I wish all the members (including don't like me) have a happy new year,be in good health,everything goes well.May all go well with you!
I will always love you. just like usual in the evening of Lunar New Year's Eve on 19:07:07,let's raise a hand wine to wish it.


鱼王构建冬泳网平台,天下网友泳友—家亲。  发表于 2013-3-18 15:04


参与人数 4威望 +20 收起 理由
小个子 + 2 看不懂也要拜年
木子玉 + 10
山水星 + 6
毛球 + 2 Very Good! Happy New Year!


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发表于 2011-1-30 14:33 | 只看该作者




鱼王构建冬泳网平台,天下网友泳友—家亲。  发表于 2013-3-18 15:08
祝全国冬泳健儿快乐、健康、幸福、吉祥!  发表于 2012-1-2 11:54


参与人数 9威望 +46 收起 理由
乐山阳谷武松 + 2 我冬泳,我健康!冬泳真棒!
韩水冬游 + 5
江湖情 + 2 真棒!
过江龙0313 + 10
白云515 + 3


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发表于 2011-1-30 14:35 | 只看该作者


鱼王构建冬泳网平台,天下网友泳友—家亲。  发表于 2013-3-18 15:08
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发表于 2011-1-30 14:42 | 只看该作者
   感谢鱼王 全国冬泳网友共享健康友谊和快乐!冬泳一家亲 朋友遍天下 新的一年兴旺更发达!


鱼王构建冬泳网平台,天下网友泳友—家亲。  发表于 2013-3-18 15:09
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发表于 2011-1-30 14:44 | 只看该作者
        o( )_-\_年来临之际、我代表中国冬泳网理事会、冬网首席顾问 ...
鱼王 发表于 2011-1-30 14:22

恭祝鱼王 新春吉祥 事业发达 冬网兴旺


鱼王构建冬泳网平台,天下网友泳友—家亲。  发表于 2013-3-18 15:13
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发表于 2011-1-30 14:48 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 小眼聚光 于 2011-1-30 15:01 编辑

回复 1# 鱼王



鱼王构建冬泳网平台,天下网友泳友—家亲。  发表于 2013-3-18 15:10


参与人数 1威望 +2 收起 理由
小个子 + 2 干净


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发表于 2011-1-30 14:50 | 只看该作者
回复 3# 三湖人



鱼王构建冬泳网平台,天下网友泳友—家亲。  发表于 2013-3-18 15:11
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发表于 2011-1-30 14:54 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 威海杆哥 于 2011-1-30 14:59 编辑


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发表于 2011-1-30 14:58 | 只看该作者


鱼王构建冬泳网平台,天下网友泳友—家亲。  发表于 2013-3-18 15:13
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发表于 2011-1-30 15:04 | 只看该作者

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鱼王构建冬泳网平台,天下网友泳友—家亲。  发表于 2013-3-18 15:14
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发表于 2011-1-30 15:05 | 只看该作者


鱼王构建冬泳网平台,天下网友泳友—家亲。  发表于 2013-3-18 15:14
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发表于 2011-1-30 15:12 | 只看该作者
回复 1# 鱼王



鱼王构建冬泳网平台,天下网友泳友—家亲。  发表于 2013-3-18 15:15
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发表于 2011-1-30 15:12 | 只看该作者


鱼王构建冬泳网平台,天下网友泳友—家亲。  发表于 2013-3-18 15:15
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发表于 2011-1-30 15:15 | 只看该作者


鱼王构建冬泳网平台,天下网友泳友—家亲。  发表于 2013-3-18 15:15
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发表于 2011-1-30 15:32 | 只看该作者


鱼王构建冬泳网平台,天下网友泳友—家亲。  发表于 2013-3-18 15:38
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发表于 2011-1-30 15:35 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-1-30 15:39 | 只看该作者
鱼王主席新年贺词振奋人心!祝“鱼王”和所有冬泳朋友新年快乐,事业有成,家庭和睦,身体健康!-----铝城专区 青鸟
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发表于 2011-1-30 15:39 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-1-30 15:40 | 只看该作者
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