任何一名选手都有改进身体流线型姿势 的余地。改进身体流线型姿势的重要性不言 而喻。下述8原则中的任何一条,都会使你 受益。 a. Keeping the body horizontal and not raising the shoulders in concert with arm en- tries. The body should only be rotated on a hor izontal, longitudinal axis. 1.入水时,身体应保持水平姿势,肩 部不应上抬。身体只能在水平方向上,围绕 身体纵轴转动。 b. Keeping the head down, looking at the bottom and then to the side of the pool when breathing, so that rotation on a horizontal, lon- gitudinal axis is achieved. It is detrimental to streamlining to look forward and and/ or to raise the head at any time, particularly when breathing. 2.要低头,目视池底,吸气时,目视池 侧,以便身体在水平方向上围绕其纵轴转动。 目视前方,或抬头,特别是呼吸时抬头,会 破坏身体的流线型姿势。 c. Keeping the legs and kick within the body shadow so that form resistance in mini mized. The only time the legs should emerge from the position of maximum streamline is when detrimental effects are more than offset by arm propulsion gains。 3 要在身体投影截面内打腿,以尽量减小 形状阻力。一旦打腿动作超出身体姿势的流线 型范围,会抵销划臂动作产生的推进力。 d. Reducing downward pressure after the arms enter the water and achieving a horizontal pull component earlier. Bending at the elbow, immediately after entry, would assist in faster directional force change. If this could be achieved there is every likelihood that stream- lining will be better maintained. 4.臂入水后,尽量避免下压,并设法尽 早获得水平分力。入水后立即屈肘有助于更 快改变用力方向。如能做到这点,将有助于 身体保持流线型姿势。 e. Rotating the hips and shoulders together to the same degree in a streamlined position. This will reduce form resistance. 5.为保持流线型姿势,髓部和肩部应同 步转动。如此转动有助于减少形状阻力。 f. Allowing the kick to rotate on a longitu- dinal axis in concert with hip rotation. A con- centration on vertical kicking increases form re- sistance whereas rotation has the potential to decrease it without any loss in forward and velocity. 6.为配合转髓动作,应围绕身体纵轴做 打腿动作。只做上卜打腿会增大形状阻力, 然而通过转动打腿,不仅不会减慢游速,并 可减少形状阻力。 g. Aligning the upper arm of the pull and recovery with the line of the shoulders to in- crease the musculature used to generate force as well as maintain the integrity of the shoulder joint. An emphasis on, or tolerance of, internal rotator muscle group activety will eventually cause problems. This proposal will introduce a greater role for the external rotator muscles during the pull. 7.划水和移臂时,上臂靠近肩线既便于肌 群发力,又可避免肩伤。内旋肌群负担过重将 造成伤害。建议划水时尽量发挥外旋肌作用。 h. Maintaining streamlined feet when kicking so that drag is not created. However, it must be realized that a“braking’action may be a corrective movement for some other error. 8.打腿时应注意脚部的流线型姿势,以 免增加阻力。然而必须知道有时“制动”动 作可矫正其他技术错误。 作者: 老梢公 时间: 2006-8-28 12:07
慢慢体会!作者: 谢作明 时间: 2006-9-10 12:45
跟着老艄公走,认真的学习这好文章.也会慢慢的体会.作者: 小湘子 时间: 2006-9-13 13:52
我的爬泳游的很累,看了这个帖子好像有点感觉,明天就去练练。作者: 独钓寒江雪 时间: 2006-9-13 14:20
楼主没实验过? 看起来挺有道理!作者: KTW 时间: 2012-2-10 11:36 作者: 乐分享 时间: 2012-2-26 21:24
好帖!有好多说法只有经过体验,甚至要经过好长一段时间的体会,才能真正理解其中的道理。作者: 胖小孩 时间: 2012-2-29 01:08
第一次听说爬泳,学习了作者: 胖小孩 时间: 2012-2-29 01:08
第一次听说爬泳,学习了作者: 憨佗 时间: 2012-3-1 11:37