梭鱼 发表于 2008-1-28 19:42

[分享]Swimming for Peace -王刚义

<P><FONT color=#660066 size=6>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 转帖的目的是希望大家积极地探索冬泳的科学方法和科学的原理.</FONT><FONT color=#660066></P><CENTER>本贴由<B>冰人</B>于2006年9月11日16:03:22在〖<A href="http://my.clubhi.com/bbs/660234/myboard.html" target=_blank>王刚义在线交流</A>〗发表.</CENTER></FONT><CENTER><H3>Swimming for Peace</H3></CENTER><CENTER><TABLE width="95%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><FONT color=#660066 size=3><HR width="100%" SIZE=1><!-- begin -->Probing into human body’s physical extremity in cryo-water<BR>Gangyi Wang <BR>(School of Management, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China) <BR><P>Abstract: Aim: Probing into human body’s physical extremity in cryo-water and extremity’s boost. Method: Through swimming in cryo-water such as polar region, we examined human body’s physical bearing capacity when people in the cryo-water, observed human’s physical and mental changing process and the mental affect after suffering serious hypoxia. Outcome: Ordinary person can break through life “forbidden zone” by regular training and survival time in cold environment can be improved several times. Mental force produced by confidence and perseverance is an important factor that advances body’s cold-resistant limit. Weaklings who suffer low temperature injure should be salved and aroused, avoiding his stupefaction by all means. Then knead him from head to foot, which will cost equal or more time that he dipped in water. Mental obstacle person whose cerebrum suffers serious hypoxia should be cured in time and actively. Conclusion: Human body’s physical extremity can be boosted. <BR><P>Key words: cryo-water, physical extremity, GangYi Law <BR><P>The Secret of Body’s Physical Extremity in Cryo-Water <BR><P>What is human body’s physical extremity in cryo-water (below2℃ ) ? It’s still an unsolved problem. What is certain that cryo-water kill thousands of casualty in shipwrecks.<BR>Apr. 15,1912, when the famous huge passenger liner “Titanic” came to the North Atlantic and the northeast side of Newfoundland, Canada at its first sail, it sank after run into the iceberg. 1502 people frozen to death in the icy water of 4℃ in 5-10 minutes.<BR>For the coefficient of thermal conductivity of water is several times that of air, when the human body of about 37℃ suddenly come into the water of 0℃~2℃ it will gives up a lot of quantity of heat rapidly. Especially when you swim in the nude, body in the movement will lose even more heat without protection and the survival time is shorten. When it comes to the physical extremity of human body, a series of physiological response add up the possibility of hyperkinesias, inspiring water, myocardial infarction, all lead to a sudden.<BR>According to the statistics of shipwreck: Every year ,there are about 10 thousands of shipwrecks ; several thousands of ships sink; more than 100 thousands of people die for that, among them 80% are frozen to death with life jacket.<BR>But the data for the survival time of human in cold environment are few : For ordinary people still with usual clothes in seawater, they can just survive a few minutes in water below 0℃;15minutes in water of 2℃; 30 minutes in water of 2.5℃; 60 minutes in water of 5℃; 3 hours in water of 10℃ and 24 hours in water of 25℃. But in fact, for unreasoning struggle or numbness in cold water, most people drown before that.<BR>The cryo-water seriously threatens the security of people in the sea. We really need to know: What is human body’s physical extremity in cryo-water? <BR><P>To Break the Forbiddance of Body’s Physical Extremity in Cryo-Water <BR><P>I’m a lawyer and professor in college and began polar swim from 1999. After various adventures and risks my life, I created 5 World Records in polar swimming. These records provide important data for research in this region. <BR>Jan.1,2001, I swam 1.2km in DaLian Yellow Sea and set the record of 48min in –1℃ water. When I got on the beach, I felt seriously anoxic in brain, delirious and numb. Regained consciousness after kneaded for an hour. 12 hours later, I rejuvenated after taking some food and hot drink.<BR>Jan.27 2001, I became the first person who swim across Lago Grey, a large, icy lake in Chile, 35min in 1.5℃ water ,gale on the lake. Everything went well after I finished.<BR>Feb.7, 2001, I swam 1.5km for 51’42’17 in the 1.4℃ water of the Antarctic Gulf, break the world record for swimming the longest time in the icy water . Before I went into the water, my pulse was at 120 per minute with body temperature 37℃ and blood pressure160/110mmHg。I felt delirious and numb when I got out of water and my body temperature went on falling. Knead and aroused for 30min. I was out of danger. My pulse was at 80 per minute with body temperature 35℃ and blood pressure120/80mmHg。One hours later I could walk supported by the others and recovered my consciousness by degrees. I rejuvenated 12 hours later but feeling melancholy. It took me 2 months to recover from a slight hypomnesia and cognitive disorder.<BR>Dec.22, 2001,I became the first to cover the Han River in winter after swimming 1.2km for 27’23 in 1℃ water . Felt well after a simple massage. I recovered from cold 3 days later.<BR>Nov.7, 2002,I conquered the ice sea of Hokkaido in Japan after swimming 31’30 in the 0℃ water ,wave height up to 4m. I got melancholy , cognitive disorder and Multiple Braincase Infarction with cold. It took me 2 months to recover with the help of doctors.<BR>Jan.20, 2004, I created a world record to swim 37’30 in the 0.7℃ water over the site where the Titanic sank. This time I was almost died, but I got back to live after 1 hour’s salvage. Again I got mental depression, cognitive disorder and recovered 2 months. <BR>To my point of view , to tell the human body’s physical extremity in cryo-water is totally different from sports . You have to feel death personally to get the data. Only in that way the data can be of practical value in life sciences , martial medicine and physical training area . <BR><P>To Expand the Law of Body’s Physical Extremity in Cryo-Water <BR><P>Experts Ma Junren, Lu Rude and Zhao Wulian (Korean ) who take part in this research sum up a series of steps for ordinary person to break through life “forbidden zone” by regular training and for helping who suffer low temperature injure. They call it “GangYi Law”.<BR>“GangYi Law A”: Ordinary person can break through life “forbidden zone” by regular training and survival time in cold environment can be improved several times.<BR>I’m just an ordinary people without any special ability. In fact, I suffered from serious tummy bug and gastroptosis. Arthritis, neurasthenic and cold often torture me. Believe it or not, all of them disappeared after I started winter swimming. <BR>Training usually starts in autumn. Every day I swim for an hour at least. With the coming of winter, the water temperature falls 1℃ per week gradually. When my body gets used to the cold environment, I can swim 2km in 0℃ water for an hour. If the training stopped for several days , it takes 4 days training to adapted again. I used to swim for 30 minutes in -4℃ water mixed with ice at Jan. 5,2003. 80% of my skin and muscle got apart. My blood vessel and nerve broke off. After rubbing with ice and dripping in cold water for 4 days , I have sense again.<BR>My body’s cold-resistant ability increase incredibility by scientific training day by day. It has been proved that through scientific training the body can create more cold-resistant protein which increase the function of blood circulation and nerve and keep heart beat strongly. By that, ordinary person can break through life “forbidden zone”.<BR>“GangYi Law B”:Mental force produced by confidence and perseverance is an important factor that advances body’s cold-resistant limit.<BR>“Cold” is the first problem for winter swimmer. When the 37℃ body suddenly dripped into 0℃ sea water, it will lose lots of heat and feel cold. But actually every winter swimmer feel cold, the difference is that they are not fear of that. Psychological facts play an important role in winter swim. Experiments have proved that mental efforts determine 80% of survival time in cryo-water while physical facts only take 20%. According to experience people who are scared in the accident usually can’t sustain till rescue come while those with strong mind can always be the survival. Exposure to ice-cold water will arose cold-shock response for ordinary people. These include a reflex inspiratory gasp followed by a short period of uncontrollable hyperventilation, tachycardia. That lead to hyperkinesias and inspiring water. So the first important thing is to control yourself, keep clam and hold on till the last minute. <BR>My key words of success are a clear goal, confidence of final success, a strong will power and a claim heart. Those create outstanding mental power for me . <BR>“GangYi Law C”:Weaklings who suffer low temperature injure should be salved and aroused, avoiding his stupefaction by all means. Then knead him from head to foot, which will cost equal or more time that he dipped in water.<BR>After challenging the cryo-water will come a period of extreme danger with persistent low temperature. At this time you have to pay attention for two things:<BR>First, hydraulic pressure can help blood pressed to heart in winter swimming but when the pressure disappears when swimmer is polled out upright. That may cause a shortage blood supply to heart and leads to shock. For that reason, we’d better poll out the swimmer with the body lying low.<BR>Second, the wounded is still in palsy because of frostbite. His body temperature goes down in danger. We should avoid his stupefaction by all means. Then knead him from head to foot, which will cost equal or more time that he dipped in water.<BR> “GangYi Law D”:Mental obstacle person whose cerebrum suffers serious hypoxia should be cured in time and actively. <BR>Psychological treatments are usually neglected when the wounded get out of live danger. But in my experience, suffering serious hypoxia may leads to mental obstacle. Cured in time and actively in 2 months can leave out unnecessary problem.<BR><BR>Successfully challenged the ice sea of South Pole five years ago ,I decided to challenge Arctic Ocean this July. The set time for the trip is on Jul. 28,2006, in memory of the foundation of China Arctic Huanghe Station for 2 years. He will swim in the King Bay of Spitsbergen in Norway (78°55’north ,11°56’east ).The icy water is only 0℃, with polar bear and seal haunted there. It means that there are two practical dangers: the main one is from the polar bear; and the other is the limitation of human body. To the people who used to the summer weather, the body has lower ability to stand against chilliness. When it come to this July, can he sustain the icy water just after a few days training? What is the limitation of the human body? This challenge is also a research activity. The program gets the attention of National Ocean Service and China Base Research Center; they will jointly perform a research on human’s physiological limit to low temperature through Wang’s swimming activity. Some of the most famous scientists highly praised the program as the pioneer of challenge the atrocious environment. <BR><P><BR><BR><!-- end --><P><BR><P></P></FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><br><br>[此帖子已被 梭鱼 在 2008-1-28 19:43:32 编辑过]

寒江搏浪 发表于 2008-1-29 09:36

<P><FONT color=#0909f7 size=5>"中国游泳协会"为表彰王刚义推动冬泳运动作出的贡献,向他颁发了铜匾,"授予:大连人王刚义《南极勇士》称号" !</FONT></P><P><FONT color=#ff0099 size=5>佩服!&nbsp; 中国冬泳人的英雄 !</FONT></P>

梭鱼 发表于 2008-1-28 20:18

<BR><BR>  <FONT color=#2222dd size=6>★编者按:大连人王刚义多次"死去活来",突破低温"禁区",<BR><BR>  创造了3项吉尼斯世界纪录,中国游泳协会授予"南极勇士"称号。智利人和韩国人敬崇他为英雄。<BR><BR>  2003年1月,他将赴日本,到北海道冬泳,2004年,拟到大西洋百慕大海域,在"泰坦 <BR>尼克"轮罹难地举行国际冬泳活动,以祭奠千余冰海冤魂。<BR><BR>  它的价值在于科学探索人体抗低温极限和相应的救护方法,而将冬泳运动推向全国、世界。2002年11月,大连举办国际冬泳节,3000多冬泳爱好者冒着严寒冲向大海的壮观景象,体现着群众性的冬泳运动已经广泛展开。<BR><BR>  王刚义的冬泳活动,谱写了一曲低温生命之歌,丰富了冬泳文化的内涵,对生命科学、军事医学、海洋活动和体育训练均具有重要价值。<BR><BR><BR></FONT>  <FONT color=#cc3370 size=6>更新人体抗寒极限探索濒死救护措施王刚义冬泳"游向世界"<BR><BR>  文/陆儒德<BR></FONT><BR>  <FONT color=#22dd22 size=5>一连串令人恐惧的数字:低温是海上生命的凶残杀手<BR><BR>  据国际海难统计资料:全世界每年发生海难近万次;沉没渔船、货船几千艘;死亡人数十万余,其中80%落水者是在穿着救生衣状态下被冻死的。一系列著名海难,令人触目惊心!<BR><BR>  ●1912年4月15日,豪华巨型游船"泰坦尼克"号在大西洋与冰山相撞沉没,1490人成了冰海冤魂;<BR><BR>  ●1948年12月3日,大型客轮"江亚"号在长江口遭轰炸沉没,2000余人死亡,大多数人被冻死;<BR><BR>  ●1959年12月1日,"418"号潜艇在东海碰撞沉没,有15人从鱼雷发射管成功逃生,但当援救船从水面救起时,发现穿着救生衣的14人已经死亡,海水低温是死因之一;<BR><BR>  ●1999年11月24日,"大舜"号客轮在烟台外海翻沉(当时气温0℃,水温12℃),282人落水冻死,幸存22人也冻得奄奄一息,处于濒死状态。<BR><BR>  ●在冬季军事行动中,空降兵和登陆人员大量被江海、湖泊、沼泽的冷水冻死。即使装备了笨重的保温服,也难于逃脱死神的威胁。据英国海军当局统计:"二战"中英军在海上的阵亡人员,2/3不是直接死于战斗,而是亡于海水低温。这一数字震惊世界军界,十分清晰的信息告诫:低温是濒海作战中的隐形杀手,制约着作战行动快捷展开。<BR><BR>  由于水的导热系数比空气大26倍,一个体温在37℃左右的正常人,瞬间进入0℃-2℃的海水中,巨大的温差使体温迅速流失。尤其是裸泳(只着裤衩和防护用的手套、足套)体表无隔热能力,加上不断运动,身体热量被海水迅速带走,存活时间十分短暂。曾在南极"长城"湾创造冬游2分13秒纪录的中央电视台著名女记者、主持人邵滨鸿生动地讲述:"走进南极冰冷的海水,好像有无数的吸盘从我的骨髓里向外抽走热量。刺骨的寒冷,使我浑身从里到外感到疼痛"。"出水时,觉察不到那种刺骨的寒冷,只是感到四肢和全身麻木"。所以,海水,严寒,死亡,成为海上作业和遇难人员的可怕的生命链,低温是凶残杀手,严重威胁着海上人命安全。<BR><BR>  然而,查遍国内、外关于人体与低温存活关系的资料,只有简单的记载:一般男女,穿着常服并保持静止,在海水中的存活时间:0℃海水,15分;2.5℃海水,30分;5℃海水,60分;10℃海水,3小时;25℃海水,可经受24小时。大量事实证明,由于低温导致遇难者肢体麻木失去活动能力,或由于人在临近极限,体能消耗将尽,很易发生痉挛、呛水、心肌梗塞、意志丧失等意外情况,随时可能猝死,一般都会早于极限时间溺死。<BR><BR>  通常,人们上把2.5℃海水温度称为海上"濒危低温",列为海上运动的"禁区"。"国际海事组织"海上安全委员会认定:为保障海上人命安全,全世界所有海域都可以列入"寒冷环境"。在《国际海上人命安全公约》中,要求所有货船和油船必须装备全封闭救生艇。美国《海军条令》规定:在北纬30°--南纬30°以外(海水温度15.5℃或气温0℃)海域执行任务,海军战斗机驾驶员应配备保温救生服。我国冬季海水表面温度:黄、渤海,0℃-12℃;东海,5℃-23℃;南海,16℃-28℃。说明我国除了南海的部分南部海域外,大部分海域属于"寒冷环境",低温海水对海上生命构成主要威胁。<BR><BR>  王刚义突破"禁区",谱写了低温生命之歌<BR><BR>  人体在不同的低温海水中到底能生存多久?对现有的人类低温生存资料数据能不能突破?对濒临死亡的人员如何使其安全生还?这是人类对大自然提出的挑战,是军事领域、生命科学、医学研究的热求探索。<BR><BR>  一切动物试验数据与人类生理和精神上的巨大差别,难于移植人类适用。德国法西斯头子希特勒曾下令用战俘和犹太人在冰水中作活体的生存和救活试验,日本军国主义分子在我国也进行过类似的活人冷冻试验。但这些血淋淋的数据根本见不得人,随着法西斯帝国的覆灭也就消失踪影。这一生命"禁区"长期无人突破,书本上一直保持着一种原始的理论纪载。<BR><BR>  21世纪伊始,这一"禁区"终被一位退伍军人用自己血肉之驱突破了,人体低温极限的数值被大幅度地改写了,他就是曾在沈阳军区政治部服役的王刚义,一个洋溢着浓烈"兵味"的普通知识分子,吉林大学的法学博士、大连理工大学的客座教授、大连开发区盘古法律服务所主任。军旅生涯培养了他勇敢闯险的无畏的品质;读学士、研硕士、攻博士的经历,磨炼了他刻苦求索、创新奋进的意志,法律工作的职业造就了他严峻、务实的作风。他出身内陆,自幼怕水,曾因是"旱鸭子"而拖了连队训练的后腿。但他硬是发誓要变"旱鸭子"为领头雁,几年后便成了吉林大学的蛙泳亚军。1998年来到大连开发区,大海的魅力诱发他迷上了冬泳,与冰寒的海水结下了不解之缘,当上了该区冬泳协会的副会长。在一个电视节目中,他看到南极的鳕鱼有着适应低温的顽强生命力,可以在-2℃的低温中"假死",升到2℃时再复活,萌发了一个奇想:"到南极去"冬泳",科学探索人在低温中的适应能力,以检验人体低温极限数值,为祖国争光"。一个特发奇想成了他新世纪挑战自然、挑战自我的奋斗目标。<BR><BR>  王刚义经过3年奋斗,经历了各种意想不到的磨难,闯过了数度"死去活来"的险关,创造了令人难以置信的一系列新纪录,具有重大科学价值,是中华儿女征服大自然的珍贵财富。现列举王刚义几项冬泳的正式纪录如下:<BR><BR>  ●2000年12月28日,大连开发区南砣子海域,由大连市体委运动医学研究所进行体能测试。测试结果:气温-10℃,水温-3℃,历时34分钟,游程1500米;<BR><BR>  ●2001年1月1日,大连开发区南砣子海域,由大连市体委组织国家级游泳裁判和测量专家进行监测,测试结果:风力6级,气温-11℃,水温-1℃,浪高1.5米,历时48分,游程1180米;<BR><BR>  ●2001年1月26日,南美麦哲伦海峡,在智利海军严密监护下测试,浪高1.2米,海水温度6℃,游了30分钟,成为世界上在该海峡冬泳的第一个中国人;<BR><BR>  ●2001年1月27日,智利大冰湖,由智利海军派艇监护、测试,风力8级,湖水温度1.5℃,游了35分钟,被护航保驾的智利海军蛙人强行拉上快艇,成为人类历史上在此冰湖游泳的世界第一人;<BR><BR>  ●2001年2月7日,在南极"长城"站,在站长及全体科考人员和国际友人监测下,创造了在南极海域1.4℃水温中,游程1500米,持续时间51分42秒17的世界记录,也是人类在极地冰水中存活的历史极限记录;<BR><BR>  ●2001年12月22日(冬至日),征服韩国汉江激流,韩国泳界英雄赵五连担任主裁判,在1℃江水中,历时27分23秒,游程1200米,成为冬季横渡汉江的世界第一人。<BR><BR>  王刚义以生命勇闯低温"禁区",与争创某项体育竞技的极限纪录不同,必须亲临"死亡线",数度经历"死去活来"的体验,靠生死之搏来取得的人体低温极限科学数据。可以预料,他创造的低温极限纪录将很难有人超越。由于非凡的磨难与拼搏,使他成为冬游"江、湖、峡、海"世界第一人,并获得了《第一个在智利大冰湖游泳的人》、《南极游泳之最》和《冬季横渡韩国汉江之最》三项吉尼斯世界纪录,被誉为世界"冬泳之王"。韩国汉江管理所的所长在电视台上十分感叹:"韩国人未做到的事情,由中国人完成了!"王刚义冬泳,展现超人壮举,尽显国人风采,国人敬佩、世界折服。然而,作为一个严谨的知识分子、法律工作者,即使名扬世界也不是主要目的。"科学探索,为人所用,减少死亡,造福人类",是他所追求的真正目标。他改写和填补了人体抗寒极限的科学数据,总结出一套抗低温海上训练的科学方法,提出了一整套抢救冻僵溺水者的有效措施,归纳为"刚义冬游定律",谱写了一曲低温生命之歌。为我国、我军普及冬泳运动,掌握冬泳的训练方法,熟悉濒死急救措施,将提高国民、军人的身体素质和心理素质,增强军队冬季和海上作战能力,在生命科学、军事医学、体育理论等方面都具有极高的应用价值。<BR><BR>  推出《刚义冬泳定律》将冬泳"游向世界"<BR><BR>  《刚义冬泳定律一》:"信心加毅力产生精神力量,是提升人体抗寒极限的首要因素"。<BR><BR>  冬泳遇到的第一个问题是"冷不冷?",回答"不冷"是不科学的。37℃温度的人体瞬间进入0℃的海水,热量被迅速吸走,哪能不冷?实际上冬游者是"不怕冷!",冷而不怕,乐而为之,说明冬泳首先反映的是心理问题,心理上怕冷的人是经不住寒冷考验的。据心理研究表明:影响低温生存时间的心理因素占80%,而生物力学因素只占20%。大量事例证明,在海上遇难人群中,"怕死的先死",而面对死亡,不失信心,顽强拼搏者往往能坚持到获救而存活。未经训练的人入水后,突然受到"冷冲击",产生极度恐惧感,本能地加剧呼吸,频率达正常呼吸的5倍-10倍,并无规则地盲目挣扎,消耗大量热能,结果导致痉挛而失去抗争能力或由于呛水而溺死。<BR><BR>  王刚义冬泳成功的要诀:浓烈的奋斗目标、必胜的信心和顽强的毅力,始终保持着义无反顾的决心及平常的心态,产生超常的精神力量。所以,他能在《生死文书》上自信地签署了"若出现生命、财产等问题,由本人负责"的保证;在畅游南极"长城"湾途中,面对身旁惊现攻击力很强的豹海豹,他能平静地埋头水中,"只有腿还在,我便继续游";在快到达岸边时,四肢麻木,神志恍惚,但他推开救援人员递来的撑杆,硬是用拼搏精神和惊人的毅力,坚持创造了极珍贵的51分42.17秒的世界纪录,在最后十几米,竟花费了2分多钟,耗尽了体力,到达了目的地。海军医学研究所的专家在中央电视台专题节目中谈此纪录时说:"真是奇迹,对于常人简直不可思议"。<BR><BR>  在冬泳韩国汉江成功后,担任主裁判的1974年亚运会800米和1500米游泳冠军、韩国民族英雄赵五连深有感触地说:"游泳不是很难的运动,但在很冷的水中坚持下去很不容易。过去认为只有通过增加脂肪才能抵御寒冷,现在通过王先生冬游汉江,让我认识到用某种精神的力量也能达到目的"。在冬泳中,重视和开发精神潜力,是海上竞技运动的一种创新。<BR><BR>  《刚义冬泳定律二》:"系统训练,可以突破生命"禁区",寒冷中生存时间可提升一倍"。<BR><BR>  王刚义不是什么奇人,也没有什么特异功能。去南极之前,冬泳的经历不过2年。冬泳前,患有严重的胃病,胃下垂脐下三指;患有关节炎,神经衰弱,经常感冒。他投入冬泳训练,不只是爱好,更主要的是探索科学的训练方法和提升抗寒极限的能力。<BR><BR>  当人突然进入冷水,除了受到"冷冲击"外,"冷麻痹" (或称"低温症")也是最严酷的杀手。冰冷的海水从人体中吸走了比冷空气大20多倍的热量,而头脑的散热量又是人体平均散热量的6倍。在冰冷的水中通过冷热交换,心脏的动力逐渐降低,当人的体温降至35℃时,就缺少了体内蛋白酶分解温度条件,造成动作失调、疲倦、记忆功能和辩向能力逐渐消失,即处于"低温昏迷",即"冷麻痹"状态。如体温进一步下降,降至31℃以下时,因大脑高度缺氧,人就会失去知觉,肌肉僵硬替代发颤,眼球的瞳孔开始扩大,心跳变得不规律而且非常微弱,脉搏几乎查不出来。当体温降至30℃时,已接近死亡。所以,以良好的心理素质去适应"冷冲击"和用训练有素的身体素质来抵抗和缓解"冷麻痹"便是能够进行冬泳和增大人体抗寒极限的根本方法。<BR><BR>  王刚义便是靠日复一日的科学训练,循序渐进,从不间断,靠顽强的吃苦精神,历经700多天的冬泳训练,胃病、关节炎等病都好了,不再感冒,精力旺盛,体力过人,获得了惊人的抗寒能力,创造了在-6℃水温的大海中破冰畅游20多分钟,在1.4℃冰海中遨游51分42.17秒的世界纪录。告诉世人,只要经过系统训练和持久锻炼,使体内产生较强的抗寒蛋白,增强内循环调控能力,保持心脏健壮的跳动功能,冬泳者均可突破人体低温"禁区",采取适当的保温措施,可以实现:0℃水温,30分钟;2.5℃水温,坚持60分钟。对于一般落水人员,应该保持良好的心态、采取保温措施和保持正确的姿态,尽量抵抗"冷麻痹",冷水中的存活时间也可相应提高。<BR><BR>  《刚义冬泳定律三》:"抢救低温症人员切忌昏睡,要不断按摩和拍打周身,持续时间应等于或大于水中浸泡的时间"。<BR><BR>  挑战低温极限,成功地游完上岸,此时如同死神"零距离"接触,处于"极度危险"境地。在施行抢救过程中,面临着三个不可或忽的情况。第一:当被营救的人看到救生船靠近或当脚踩上陆地时刻,突然感到"我可活了!"、"我胜利了!"结果,支撑他"活下去"和"在拼搏"的信念和意志产生的精神力量突然消失,导致肾上腺激素以及血压骤降,心脏停跳,死神降临。第二:在冰水中游泳过程中,身体周围水的压力让血液流向心脏并在体内相关部位完成循环。当人从水中被垂直救起后,身体周围的压力突然消失,血液流向四肢造成心脏供血不足,可能会导致心脏骤停而死亡。第三:由于伤者处于冻伤麻痹状态,体温继续在向深层下降,仍未脱离危险。如"大舜"号有些遇难者在刚救起时尚存一息,但被用毯子包好送到医院抢救时已经瞳孔放大,永远地睡过去了。所以,抢救生命十分脆弱的低温症患者,既要快,更要措施得当,否则,将会错过抢救机会或损伤肢体和表皮。<BR><BR>  王刚义2001年1月1日在大连开发区南砣子海边测试时,硬是以超人的毅力在水中坚持了48分钟,咧咧呛呛地走上了岸,被搀扶着进入了更衣室。他的体温35℃,神志模糊,语言不清,关节僵硬,极度虚弱,处于"冷麻痹"状态。当时,有位具有丰富治疗冻伤经验的军医组织有条不紊的抢救。先脱下刚穿好的防寒服,组织人们一道进行周身按摩和拍打,并不停地大声地叫喊王刚义的名字,用他最熟悉的语言刺激他,绝不让他睡着。同时给王刚义喝了一些温的姜糖水,给他补充热量,经过整整48分钟的原始物理方式救护,人们终于将这位勇士从死亡线上救了回来。王刚义事后仔细地研究和总结了这次抢救全过程的每一个细节,得出了救护冻僵人员的第三个"刚义冬泳定律"。以后在挑战南极"长城"湾和遨游韩国汉江时,都得到了理想的验证。在"长城"站,王刚义登岸后,全站22人按预先部署轮流为他大力按摩并不断同他说话,一个个大汗淋漓,一直坚持了52分钟,直到他"解冻"完全复苏,才一起展示五星红旗庆祝。据组织横渡白令海峡的俄罗斯冬泳朋友介绍,他们在抢救中采用人体前后轮流搂抱,用活人体温和心跳声来帮助其恢复,还可以用热吹风机局部地吹冻僵的人前胸和后背的心脏部位或给冻僵的人吸氧,恢复效果也很明显。<BR><BR>  《刚义冬泳定律》是王刚义同广大冬泳爱好者,在长期冬泳活动中总结出来的战胜大自然的客观规律,更新和丰富了冬泳文化的内涵,越来越受到人们的重视和在实际中运用,在医学文献、军事训练教材、生命科学文库和国际海上人命安全文件中将更新传统数值,在今后广泛的冬泳运动中将继续运用和完善这些定律。国家海洋局局长王曙光在"长城"站,热烈祝贺他创造了南极游泳新纪录,并题词勉励:"游向世界"。王刚义同广大冬泳者一起掀起了大连市的冬泳热潮,"大连市冬泳协会"已拥有注册会员15700人,居全国之冠。还将冬泳运动带到了美洲的智利、亚洲的韩国,"中国·大连·王刚义"的报道已传遍世界。现在他正在进行强化训练、紧锣密鼓地准备明年1月东征日本,去东京湾和寒冷的北海道海域冬泳。尔后着手策划在"泰坦尼克"号的罹难日,去大西洋的百慕大海域,在"泰"轮长眠地(北纬40°46.1′;西经50°14′),举行一个大型国际冬泳活动,以祭奠千余冰海冤魂,将冬泳运动推向世界,也可圆梦"冬游大洋、海湾、冰湖、海峡、湍江"的世界第一人,戴上世界"冬泳之王"的桂冠。<BR><BR>  2002年11月9日,由大连市政府、中国国家体育总局游泳管理中心主办"2002年大连首届国际冬泳节",在大会上,"中国游泳协会"为表彰王刚义推动冬泳运动作出的贡献,向他颁发了铜匾,"授予:大连人王刚义《南极勇士》称号",大连人给大会增添了光彩。当由挑战南极冰海的王刚义、横渡渤海海峡的张健和横渡白令海峡的俄罗斯人斯莫列科娃·柳德米拉等世界泳界名人带头,同来自中、美、加、日、俄、法、韩、意、巴等9个国家40多名国际冬泳健将及我国25省、46个城市共3000多名冬泳爱好者,冒着-2℃的气温,齐声呐喊声中跃入蔚蓝的大海,挑战自我,挑战自然,场景恢宏,摧人奋进。大连市参赛人数最多,组成了32个代表队,年龄最小的7岁,最大的84岁,是冬泳节上受人注目的奇葩,大连这个"北方明珠"城又添上了一个美名:"冬泳之乡",让"中国·大连·冬泳"这个新品牌广泛传遍世界。<BR><BR>  作者:陆儒德海军大连舰艇学院教授<BR><BR>  (电话:0411-2683889军线:0331-55865)<BR><BR>  审定:王刚义<BR><BR>  刚守林全国冬泳协会秘书长 <BR><BR><BR></FONT><br><br>[此帖子已被 梭鱼 在 2008-1-28 20:20:11 编辑过]

梭鱼 发表于 2008-1-29 22:33

“GangYi Law A”: Ordinary person can break through life “forbidden zone” by regular training and survival time in cold environment can be improved several times.<br><br>“GangYi Law B”:Mental force produced by confidence and perseverance is an important factor that advances body’s cold-resistant limit.<br><br>“GangYi Law C”:Weaklings who suffer low temperature injure should be salved and aroused, avoiding his stupefaction by all means. Then knead him from head to foot, which will cost equal or more time that he dipped in water.<br><br>“GangYi Law D”:Mental obstacle person whose cerebrum suffers serious hypoxia should be cured in time and actively. <br><br><br>

梭鱼 发表于 2008-1-29 22:26

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